Clinic of immunopathology

The Hospital includes 5 units and Interregional Center of Marrow Transplantation. The Center is the only scientific medical establishment beyond the Urals, which performs the marrow transplantation in treatment of oncohemotological diseases. Besides, within thee framework Clinic the Center of cytokinotherapy was opened. The specialists of the Institute developed new methods of diagnostics, forecast and treatment of diseases linked with the immunity disruption, in particular – secondary immune deficiencies such as obstructive bronchitis, chronic herpes virus infection, chronic furunculosis, ets.

Clinic of immunopathology   (only Russian)


НИИ фундаментальной и клинической иммунологии был создан в 1981 году на базе отдела иммунологии Института клинической и экспериментальной медицины СО РАМН.
